How Much Should You Send A Thai Girlfriend
How much money should you send a Thai girlfriend? this is a very difficult question to answer as every persons situation and relationship is different.
How much money should you send a thai girlfriend. You should not send money that you cannot afford. If you need to send an amount of money that will then leave you short of money, send less. It is no good sending your Thai girlfriend money every month just so you have to sit in every night while you are in the UK.
how much money your Thai girlfriend will want
There is a balance between how much money your Thai girlfriend will want you to send and how much you can afford and how much money you should send.
If you Thai girlfriend is living in Pattaya, she will need a slightly higher amount of money than if she was to return back to the village, though it is not fair to ask your Thai girlfriend to return to the village just to save money, after all who would like to return to a quiet sleepy rice town after spending a few months in the action of Pattaya. Men from the UK arrive in Pattaya for two weeks and don’t like going home to a city, never mind a village.
Your Thai girlfriend will need a certain amount of money
Your Thai girlfriend will need a certain amount of money to pay for her daily costs, these costs will include a room, electric, water, food, entertainment money and then money to send home to the parents.
How much money should you send a Thai girlfriend? If you can afford 15,000 Baht, in my opinion this is the starting point of how much money to send her. Start adding up her living costs, after her parents have received some money and she has paid the rent and electric, she will only have about 2000 Baht a week to eat, drink and entertain herself.
Find out how to send money to Thai girlfriend
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